The acronym VIAS is short for 'Verein iranischer AkademikerInnen und Studierender' ('Association of Iranian Academics and Students: AIAS'). AIAS is an independent and politically neutral association that was founded by a group of committed Iranian students and graduates in 1993. It presently numbers 51 members (according to February 2012 head count).
The AIAS main activities consist in the organization of cultural and scientific events on behalf of Iranians living in Switzerland and in raising the Swiss public's awareness of Iranian culture with the help of such events.
The main objectives of the association are
- encouraging mutual contacts among Iranian students, doctoral students and graduates
- encouraging all efforts contributing to mutual understanding
- interaction and communication with other groups pursuing similar interests
- organizing and hosting lectures, concerts, art exhibitions, traditional festivals and classes
Founded in 1993, VIAS is an independent and politically neutral association of Iranian academics and students (Verein Iranischer Akademiker/Innen und Studierender (VIAS), in German). Membership is open to everyone with a university degree or to students currently enrolled at a university.
VIAS strives to bring together and foster the Iranian diaspora and to advance and disseminate Iranian culture in Switzerland. The rich Iranian cultural heritage that was brought to Switzerland over the years by numerous immigrants contrasts with, complements and extends today’s society in Switzerland.
VIAS regularly organizes various events such as lectures, concerts, exhibitions, film screenings, courses and hosts annual Iranian cultural events, see the online event schedule. Some highlights include concerts of famous Persian artists, lectures of renowned experts living in Iran or Europe, and popular traditional Iranian cultural events such as Chahar-Schanbe-Suri and Yalda, where VIAS members and guests often engage in lively discussions and indulge in Iranian dishes.